The programs at our Mansfield campus are individualised and flexible.
We have a strong emphasis on health and wellbeing, building personal and social capabilities and life skills. We want students to feel a sense of belonging and connectedness while at school.
At MASS Campus we support:
- Local students aged 5 years to 18 years old. The school hours are 9am to 3pm.
- Students may be enrolled full time or part time.
- We support dual enrolments for students who may be enrolled in our local primary or secondary schools. We work collaboratively with our local schools and help coordinate support group meetings to discuss individual goals and learning plans.
- Some families may access our Local Programs program (NDIS Funding) for after school or school holiday program care.
The school is committed to offering students a safe and supportive environment which allows students a chance to explore a range of activities and interest areas in a safe and supported way. As with all our services, our students are at the centre of our planning. We believe that all people should be supported to realise their individual capacities for physical, social, emotional and intellectual development. Here at MASS, we place a strong emphasis on health and wellbeing, building relationships, social skills and confidence in learning. We aim to develop foundational life skills alongside the skills and capabilities outlined in the Victorian Curriculum learning areas.

Our model prioritises building an understanding of the person, as well as the interplay between autism and the person’s life and learning. All students have an Individual Learning Plan, developed in consultation with a student’s family, carers and Care Team. It forms part of the ongoing assessment, planning, teaching and evaluation cycle we engage in for each of our students.
We seek to establish respectful relationships with our students and their families. We ask that all families work with our teaching staff and that our teaching staff collaborate and communicate with our parents and families. Together, we work to provide a transparent and open educational service.
Our school is located at 81 Highett St Mansfield.
The curriculum is flexible to meet the needs and interest areas of our students with a strong focus on personal and social development.
Personal & Social Capabilities
Health & Physical Education
Term Dates 2024
Term 1: 31st January – 28th March
Term 2: 17th April – 21st June
Term 3: 17th July – 20th September
Term 4: 9th Oct – 13th December
Mansfield Campus School Fees
Full Fees are $11,200 per annum
or $2,800 per term.
Part time fees are pro rata:
$560 per term per day.
Fees are invoiced at the beginning of each term and are due 14 days from invoice date.
*Fees cannot be paid through NDIS.
Additional Costs
Most activities are included within the annual fee.
There may be some additional (subsidised) camps and activities throughout the year.
Fee Assistance
Some families may be eligible for Fee Assistance.
Please ask about our Fee Assistance Program which is linked to a financially means tested Centrelink card.
The information outlined above is effective as of 1 June 2023 but may be subject to change. For further information, please contact Mansfield Autism.

Enrolment Process
Step 1: Use the Expression of Interest form and we will contact you, or you can contact the office directly by phone or using the Contact form.
Step 2: Attend a school tour and interview to see whether the school meets your expectations and whether we can offer an appropriate education for your child.
Step 3: An offer of a place will then be made and paperwork and payment of fees arranged.
Mansfield Campus Expression of Interest form
Students must live within daily travel of Mansfield