We are pleased to publish our 2022 Annual Report. The Annual Report shares our achievements over the year as well as a snapshot of each of our services. It also has some beautiful images of our amazing clients and shares some of the feedback we have received.
Our CEO Simone says “All of what was achieved in 2022 was only possible due to the incredible staff we have. I thank our clients and their families for working closely with MASS and the value they place on our services.
I feel we are well placed for the enormous task we have ahead of completing the farm and transitioning our services there. The next 12-18 months will be quite transformative as we start to see our vision of delivering an Australian first Centre of Excellence Therapeutic Care Farm turn into a reality. On behalf of all the people who will benefit from this, I thank everyone involved for the work you have done, and continue to do, to make this happen.”
Click here to read the annual report: Annual Report 2022