Therapeutic Behaviour Support Placement

Nine weeks of supported accommodation and skill building opportunities for ages 6 – 18 years.

Delivered by our team of caring and passionate autism professionals.

Mansfield Based

We offer a nine-week residential placement in Mansfield, Victoria. This is supported accommodation and intervention for those aged 6 – 18 years who need a little extra help to develop important life skills. This placement is supported by our autism practitioners (MAPs) who are integral in helping families transfer the skills learnt back to the home environment.

happy trampoline

Skill Building

Our program is rich with skill building opportunities. The placement is flexible and responsive to participant needs and goals.

In general, we work on skill development in these areas:

  • Daily Living Skills such as toileting, self-care, personal hygiene
  • Eating programs
  • Sleep hygiene
  • Routines: night-time, morning and after school routines
  • Social and Communication skills
  • Emotion regulation

Health and Wellbeing

No screens! Our program is built around ‘no technology’. We explore new activities and build healthy outdoor habits and social skills for our young people.

We run equine facilitated learning, yoga, massage, swimming, and many outdoor adventures to support our young people with their health & wellbeing.

Family Respite

Everyone needs a chance to rest and recharge!

Many of our parents report that they experience additional stress. Our placement provides families with some quality time to focus on their own health and wellbeing.

peaceful with pony

Autism Specific

Our care team incorporate positive behaviour support and visual supports into the daily program. All staff have professional expertise in autism and apply a wide range of person centred interventions when working with the spectrum of young people.

Our individualised planning and behaviour support are all designed to build the capacity and skills of our clients.

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“The education that we received was unbelievable. After parenting this child for 11 years and having no idea what was going on, I am now more aware of how my son thinks.”

How to access a Therapeutic Behaviour Support Placement

Families need to be receiving our MAP service to apply for a
Therapeutic Behaviour Support Placement.


Our Autism Practitioners will recommend and refer clients to the
Behaviour Support Placement if additional support is required.


Families will require specific funding within the clients NDIS plan. Once we have received a referral from our autism practitioners, we will be able to provide specific funding advice.
Funding will vary depending on support needs.


Therapeutic Behaviour Support Residential Expression of Interest Form

Mansfield Autism Statewide Services is a registered NDIS provider of Improved Relationships, Improved Daily Living and core Short Term Accommodation. MASS is registered with the Quality and Safeguards Commission to deliver Specialist Behavior Intervention Support and is an implementing provider of these supports to NDIS participants. We have specialist accommodation at our residence in Mansfield for children and young people with autism.

Mansfield Autism is an eligible TTP Provider. Our service rates are in accordance with the NDIS Price guide.

You can view the current NDIS Price Guide here.